🗃️ Discover
1 items
📄️ Domains
Every Dataset is registered to a Domain. This Domain can be referred as a type of Business/Industry/Purpose or some other type of specification, this helps to maintain and segregate data between different Datasets.
🗃️ Datasets
13 items
📄️ Data Quality Checks
From version 2.2, encryption(in-flight, at-rest) for all jobs and catalog is enabled. All the existing jobs(User created, and also system created) were updated with encryption related settings, and all the newly created jobs will have encryption enabled automatically.
📄️ DeepSearch Indices
DeepSearch Indices are deprecated as part of v2.7. Users can utilize existing indices but will not be able to create a new deepsearch index.
📄️ Tenants
Documentation for amorphic data cloud (ADC) - Management - Tenants Management
📄️ Datasources
The datasource serves as the central collection point for catalog asset data. It acts as a logical entity that connects to the metadata source, ensuring seamless integration and comprehensive data management.
📄️ Glossaries
Glossaries in Amorphic represent a collection of clearly defined terms that anyone can understand, providing clarity and consistency across a particular domain or field. Glossaries ensure organizations speak the same language by clearing up ambiguity in terminologies and helps manage asset metadata, by linking glossary terms to datasets and views, enhancing data clarity and organization across your assets.