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This documentation is for version v2.3 of the product.
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Entity Recognizers

New Entity Recognizers

4.2.1 Invalid File format

Issue: When the user is trying to upload a CSV file when creating a new entity recognizer and the error is received.

Resolution: Please check the file type and upload files that are of the specified type.

Cause: When the User tries to upload a file of a type different from the accepted types.

4.2.2 Task is still in starting state, please wait for some time to stop

Issue: Starting a task while it is in progress.

Resolution: Please try after some time.

Cause: Given task is in progress. Please wait till the task stops.

4.2.3 Task is not running, wait for task to start before stopping again

Issue: trying to stop a task which is already stopped.

Resolution: please start a task before try to stop.

Cause: stopping a task which is already stopped.

4.2.4 Task can be resumed only in stopped state

Issue: Attempting to resume a running task.

Resolution: stop a running task before try to resume.

Cause: Attempting to resume a running task.

4.2.5 User is not authorized to perform any action on task

Issue: User trying to operate on a task without having proper access to the task.

Resolution: Contact administrator for access and try again.

Cause: Access issue.

4.2.6 domain name already exists

Issue: Domain name entered is in conflict with the existing domain.

Resolution: try a unique domain name.

Cause: Domain name conflict.

4.2.7 Domain Invalid

Issue: Entered domain name is invalid.

Resolution: enter proper and unique domain name.

Cause: non-compliant domain name.

4.2.8 Domain

Issue: In domains.is_user_action_valid, User is not permitted to perform the action.

Resolution: Request for proper access from the admin.

Cause: Access denied.

4.2.9 Unable to update domain description, please try again later.

Issue: Database Is updating.

Resolution: Please try after some time.

Cause: updating domain description while Database is updating.

4.2.10 Delete operation failed, dependent datasets should be deleted before deleting the domain.

Issue: Error while deleting a dataset.

Resolution: delete dependent data sets before deleting the root node.

Cause: Trying to delete a dataset before deleting depending datasets

4.2.11 Unable to delete the glue database as there are tables associated with it. Contact Administrator

Issue: Issue in deleting glue database.

Resolution: delete tables associated with glue database before deleting glue database.

Cause: trying to delete glue db before deleting tables associated with it.

4.2.12 Invalid DWH type setting in the backend, contact administrator

Issue: Issue in the backend.

Resolution: Contact Cloudwick support.

Cause: Backend operation error.

4.2.13 Unable to get the values for user from user-dataset table

Issue: Issue with access.

Resolution: check with admin regarding the access.

Cause: user does not have required access.

4.2.14 There was an error while retrieving search results. Please try after some time.

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: please try after some time. If the issue persists, please contact the support team.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.15 Unable to connect to ElasticSearch with the given endpoint.

Issue: Incorrect endpoint.

Resolution: Provide correct endpoint name.

Cause: provided endpoint is not correct.

4.2.16 Unable to get the values for the user.

Issue: no values exist for the user.

Resolution: Retrieval can happen on the existing values.

Cause: trying to query an empty database.

4.2.17 Unable to raise the request. Please try after some time

Issue: User has access to the dataset.

Resolution: since the user has already has access to the dataset there is no need to request again.

Cause: raising multiple requests on the same dataset.

4.2.18 Unable to raise the request. Please try after some time

Issue: access request is in place already.

Resolution: please contact the owner of the dataset.

Cause: cannot raise multiple access requests on a single dataset.

4.2.19 Could not complete the request. Please try again

Issue: Application is refreshing.

Resolution: please try again after some time.

Cause: application refresh is in progress.

4.2.20 A data classification entry with name exists, please choose different name

Issue: name given for data classification is already existing.

Resolution: try with a unique name.

Cause: name conflict with an existing classification name.

4.2.21 Data classification name cannot contain white spaces

Issue: data classification name given does not confirm to the naming standard.

Resolution: provide a name with no whitespaces.

Cause: data classification name is not in compliance with naming standards.

4.2.22 Invalid Data classification Name

Issue: data classification name given does not confirm the naming standard.

Resolution: please provide proper name for the data classification.

Cause: data classification name is not in compliance with naming standards.

4.2.23 Invalid UserID

Issue: user is not authorised to perform the action.

Resolution: Request for proper access from the administrator.

Cause: Access denied due to unauthorised action.

4.2.24 User is not authorized to query the dataset.

Issue: User has to be equipped with proper access.

Resolution: Request for proper access from the administrator.

Cause: Access denied due to unauthorised action.

4.2.25 Allowed only one query per request.

Issue: User is trying to run multiple queries at a time.

Resolution: Please run a single query at a time.

Cause: since the user is trying to run multiple queries at the same time the issue is caused. Please run a single query at a time.

4.2.26 Out of range for items per page, Limit is 1000

Issue: trying to retrieve more than 1000 in a single page.

Resolution: provide the value between 0(zero) to 1000.

Cause: attempting to retrieve more than 1000 items.

4.2.27 Invalid sortorder param, sortorder must be in [“desc”, “asc”]

Issue: sort order is not proper.

Resolution: sorting order should be either in Asc (Ascending) or Desc (Descending).

Cause: Incorrect sort order.

4.2.28 The dashboard already exists, with this name.

Issue: User is attempting to create a dashboard with an existing name.

Resolution: Provide a unique while creating a dashboard.

Cause: Dashboard name provided while creating is already exists.

4.2.29 user does not exist in the system

Issue: create dashboard failed as %s user does not exist in the system.

Resolution: contact admin team.

Cause: attempting creating a dashboard for a user who does not exist

4.2.30 'Dashboard delete api request %s raised by %s for Dashboard %s is failed with error %s.'

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.31 User action is not permitted.

Issue: User is not authorised to access the page.

Resolution: Request for proper access from the administrator.

Cause: Unauthorised access.

4.2.32 Not authorized to see dashboard authorized users

Issue: User is not authorised to access the authorised users.

Resolution: Request for proper access from the administrator.

Cause: Unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.33 Failed to fetch the dashboard details, try again later.

Issue: User is attempting to fetch the details of the dashboard details without having proper access.

Resolution: Contact administrator for proper access.

Cause: Unauthorised access.

4.2.34 System Error

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.35 Failed to retrieve dashboard.

Issue: Dashboard Id parameter is not found for dashboard name.

Resolution: verify the dashboard name. contact admin if the problem persists.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.36 user does not exist in the system

Issue: attempting to retrieve dashboard for a user who does not have proper access.

Resolution: contact admin for proper access.

Cause: unauthorised access.

4.2.37 User action is not permitted

Issue: User cannot revoke/grant access to default groups.

Resolution: contact administrator.

Cause: Attempting to remove/add a user from/to default groups.

4.2.38 Access could not be provided

Issue: The user is already present.

Resolution: since the user is already present in the system no need to provide the access.

Cause: Attempting to provide access to the user who is already equipped with the requesting access.

4.2.39 Unable to provide access

Issue: attempting to retrieve the list of users who have requested the access while no one has requested.

Resolution: Retrieve the list of requested users as soon as user/s requests.

Cause: no user requests present.

4.2.40 user does not exist in the system

Issue: attempting to retrieve the list of users who have requested the access while no one has requested.

Resolution: Can deny request only when a request is present.

Cause: no user requests present.

4.2.41 access denied


Issue: Dashboard access failed as the user accessing it does not exist in the system.

Resolution: please request the admin to check the validity of the user’s credentials.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.


Issue: the user does not have proper access.

Resolution: please contact the admin for access.

Cause: unauthorised operation. access denied.

4.2.42 user access type not valid

Issue: Provide Dashboard access failed as %s access type not valid.

Resolution: verify the access type you are trying to provide. Contact the administrator if the error persists.

Cause: access type attempting to provide does not exist.

4.2.43 The user is not authorized to grant the access to dashboard.

Issue: Attempting for an unauthorised action.

Resolution: contact admin and request for necessary access.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.44 Unable to provide the access. Please try after some time.

Issue: possible server down or refresh is in progress.

Resolution: try after some time. If the issue persists, please contact the support team.

Cause: Attempting provide access while the system is being refreshed or possible server down.

4.2.45 No dashboard was deleted as the dashboard name is not found.

Issue: the given dashboard name is not present as the dashboard does not exist.

Resolution: verify and enter the correct dashboard name.

Cause: incorrect dashboard name.

4.2.46 Invalid DatasetId

Issue: the dataset entered is invalid.

Resolution: enter valid dataset id and try again.

Cause: the provided dataset is not correct.

4.2.47 Unable to complete model operation. Please try again later.

Issue: System error.

Resolution: Please try again after some time. If the error persists, please contact the support team.

Cause: System error.

4.2.48 Event doesn’t have required keys to carry out this operation

Issue: Keys that are missing and which are required to carry out the operation requested.

Resolution: Provide required keys and try again.

Cause: Keys that are missing and which are required to carry out the operation requested.

4.2.49 Out of range for items per page, Limit is 1000.

Issue: Trying to retrieve more than 100 items in a page.

Resolution: provide value between 0(Zero) to 1000.

Cause: input provided is more than 1000.

4.2.50 No model present with this model Id {}

Issue: Id provided is not available in the database.

Resolution: provide a valid and existing id.

Cause: model id provided is not available.

4.2.51 Model name is already present, give a different name for model

Issue: using an existing model name while creating a new one.

Resolution: try with a different and non-existing name.

Cause: provided name is in conflict with an existing model name.

4.2.52 Error updating model

Issue: failed to update metadata in dynamodb with response.

Resolution: Try after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible server error.

4.2.53 delete error

Issue: Trying to delete a non-existing model.

Resolution: verify the name of the model you want to delete.

Cause: no model exists with the given name.

4.2.54 system error

Issue: possible server down.

Resolution: try after some time. If the issue persists, please contact the support team.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.55 Invalid body structure either of ArtifactsLocation and ExistingModelResource must exist

Issue: neither artifacts location nor existing model resource exists in event body.

Resolution: provide artifact location or existing model resource with a valid body structure.

Cause: invalid body and both artifact location and existing model resource is missing.

4.2.56 Metadata doesn’t have any recognizer with id

Issue: provided recognizer id is not present with the system.

Resolution: verify the name of the recognizer. If the problem persists, please contact the support team.

Cause: no recognizer in the name given.

4.2.57 User doesn’t have permissions to train a recognizer on the dataset.

Issue: unauthorised operation.

Resolution: request access to train a recognizer.

Cause: attempting an unauthorised operation.

4.2.58 This is the only version available for recognizer name and cannot be reverted back. You can consider deleting it.

Issue: trying to revert to a previous version when there is no previous version.

Resolution: since it is the only version available you can’t revert, but you can consider deleting it.

Cause: no previous version to revert

4.2.59 User doesn’t have permissions to create a recognizer. User needs to have owner/read-only access on dataset with id.

Issue: unauthorised action.

Resolution: request admin for access to create a recognizer.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.60 Metadata doesn’t have any recognizer with id.

Issue: Recognizer id provided does not exist in the metadata.

Resolution: verify the id you have entered. Contact admin if the problem persists.

Cause: no recognizer exists with the given name.

4.2.61 Metadata is incomplete for this request to be carried out.

Issue: metadata incomplete.

Resolution: contact admin team.

Cause: metadata incomplete.

4.2.62 NIL

Issue: trying to train an already trained recognizer.

Resolution: contact admin.

Cause: attempting override an already trained recognizer.

4.2.63 Metadata has more than one value for recognizer with id

Issue: multiple entries for the given id in the metadata.

Resolution: select the one you want to.

Cause: multiple entries present in the metadata.

4.2.64 Metadata is incomplete for this request to be carried out

Issue: metadata is not updated.

Resolution: please try again after some time. If the error persists, please contact the admin team/ support team.

Cause: metadata is in a refreshing state.

4.2.65 Failed to update cers list in groups, try again later

Issue: probable system error or data is updating.

Resolution: please try again after some time. If the error persists, contact the support team.

Cause: probable system error or data is updating.

4.2.66 No information available about resource.

Issue: no metadata for resources with given id.

Resolution: contact admin.

Cause: did not encounter metadata for resource with id %s.

4.2.67 Entity recognizer with name {} already exists

Issue: Attempting to create a recognizer with an existing name.

Resolution: try with a unique name which is not present already.

Cause: Given recognizer name is in conflict with an existing name.

4.2.68 Entity recognizer with recognizer id {} doesn’t exist

Issue: trying to operate on a non-existing entity recognizer.

Resolution: please verify the recognizer id. If the error persists contact admin team.

Cause: invalid recognizer id.

4.2.69 Entity recognizer with recognizer id {} is in TRAINING status and cannot be deleted.

Issue: attempting to delete a recognizer while it is in training status.

Resolution: wait until the recognizer exits from training status.

Cause: invalid operation.

4.2.70 couldn’t connect to dynamodb table with error

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: please try after some time. If the issue persists contact support team.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.71 following permission missing.

Issue: attempting to access without having proper access.

Resolution: contact admin team for proper access.

Cause: unauthorised operation.

4.2.72 Notebook with name {} already exists, choose different name.

Issue: trying to create a notebook with an already existing name.

Resolution: try to create the notebook with a different name.

Cause: notebook name conflict.

4.2.73 Invalid EndpointId:

Issue: given endpoint id does not match.

Resolution: please verify and provide a valid endpoint id.

Cause: endpoint id given is not present.

4.2.74 GlueEndpoint is already assigned.

Issue: the given endpoint is already assigned to some other user.

Resolution: try for a different endpoint.

Cause: endpoint is assigned to someone else.

4.2.75 Glue endpoint {} must be in ready state

Issue: attempting to stop a glue endpoint while it is in stopped state.

Resolution: an endpoint can only be stopped when it is in ready or running state.

Cause: invalid operation.

4.2.76 GlueEndpointId must be in object body

Issue: GlueEndpointId is either missing or not present in the object body.

Resolution: make sure the GlueEndpointID is present in the object body.

Cause: GlueEndpointId must be in object body.

4.2.77 Failed to update notebooks list in groups, try again later

Issue: possible system error or system is being refreshed.

Resolution: please try after some time. If the issue persists contact admin/support team.

Cause: possible system down or system being refreshed.

4.2.78 Notebook with ID {} doesn’t exist.

Issue: note is not present in the system.

Resolution: verify the notebook id and provide the correct notebook id.

Cause: invalid notebook id.

4.2.79 Notebook instance must be in Stopped state.

Issue: attempting to run a notebook while it is running.

Resolution: a notebook must be in stopped status before running.

Cause: invalid operation.

4.2.80 VolumeSizeInGB must be between 5 to 16000 (in GB)

Issue: provided volume size is out of the range (5 to 16000).

Resolution: provide the value between 5 to 16000.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.81 Notebook instance must be in a Stopped state because it is a legacy notebook and so need to attach new role.

Issue: Notebook instance must be in a Stopped state because it is a legacy notebook and so need to attach a new role.

Resolution: stop instance and try to update the new role.

Cause: Notebook instance must be in a Stopped state because it is a legacy notebook and so need to attach a new role.

4.2.82 Invalid operation parameter, supported values “[start, stop, update, update-access]

Issue: operation parameters provided are not valid.

Resolution: provide only Start, stop, update, update-access operational parameters.

Cause: invalid operational parameters.

4.2.83 Notebook with ID {} does not exist.

Issue: Trying to delete a notebook which is not present.

Resolution: verify the notebook id you have provided. Contact admin team if the error persists.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.84 Invalid elements found in input fields

Issue: invalid inputs while creating etl job.

Resolution: provide correct inputs while creating etl job. Please contact admin team for input parameters.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.85 JobName cannot be empty.

Issue: job name is provided while creating etl job.

Resolution: provide a unique job name while creating an etl job.

Cause: no job name provided while creating an etl job.

4.2.86 ETLJobType cannot be empty.

Issue: etl job type is not provided.

Resolution: provide proper job type.

Cause: no etl job type is provided while creating.

4.2.87 Datasets cannot be empty.

Issue: provided datasets are empty.

Resolution: provide a non-empty dataset.

Cause: empty dataset provided to operate on.

4.2.88 Job {} already exists. Choose a different name.

Issue: provide a job name is already present.

Resolution: job name should be unique.

Cause: job name conflicts with the existing job name.

4.2.89 Allocated capacity parameter is not in valid range between 2 to 100

Issue: provided capacity parameter value is out of bound.

Resolution: there should be a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 100 values for capacity parameters.

Cause: invalid value provided.

4.2.90 Unable to create glue etl job with error {}

Issue: possible system error or system is getting refreshed.

Resolution: please try after some time. Contact support/admin team if the problem persists.

Cause: possible system error or system is getting refreshed.

4.2.91 Failed to update jobs list in groups, try again later

Issue: possible system error or system is getting refreshed.

Resolution: please try after some time. Contact support/admin team if the problem persists.

Cause: possible system error or system is getting refreshed.

4.2.92 User {} is not the owner of the job {} to be added

Issue: non-owner is trying to add a job to a group.

Resolution: only the owner can make changes to the group.

Cause: unauthorised access.

4.2.93 Failed to update jobs list in groups, try again later

Issue: possible system error or refresh is in progress.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error or refresh is in progress.

4.2.94 Unable to delete job. Please try again

Issue: possible system down or refresh in progress.

Resolution: try after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system down or refresh in progress.

4.2.95 User is not owner to perform this operation

Issue: user trying to perform this operation without having proper credentials.

Resolution: contact admin team for proper access.

Cause: unauthorised action. Access denied.

4.2.96 Could not complete the request. Please try again

Issue: possible system error or refresh is in progress.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error or refresh is in progress.

4.2.97 GlueEndpoint with ID {} doesn’t exist

Issue: trying to create a glue endpoint with an existing name.

Resolution: try with a unique name which is not already used.

Cause: invalid input. Given name is in conflict with an existing glue endpoint name.

4.2.98 Unable to create dev endpoint with error

Issue: trying to create a glue endpoint with an existing name.

Resolution: try with a unique name which is not already used.

Cause: invalid input. Given name is in conflict with an existing glue endpoint name.

4.2.99 while updating glue endpoints

Issue: possible system error or system in refresh state.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin/support team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error or system in refresh state.

4.2.100 glue_endpoint with ID {} doesn’t exist.

Issue: the id which is provided is not present in the system.

Resolution: please verify the id provided and try again.

Cause: no such id is present in the system.

4.2.101 Glue endpoint must be in ready state to make any updates to it.

Issue: updating glue endpoint while it is not in a ready state.

Resolution: make sure the endpoint is in ready state before making any updates to it.

Cause: invalid action.

4.2.102 Invalid operation parameter, supported values [update, update-access]

Issue: the operation provided is invalid.

Resolution: operation parameters can only be either update or update-access.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.103 glue_endpoint with ID {} doesn’t exist.

Issue: attempting to delete a non-existent glue-endpoint.

Resolution: verify the glue_endpoint id before attempting to delete.

Cause: invalid glue endpoint id.

4.2.104 Glue endpoint must be in ready state to delete it.

Issue: trying to delete a glue endpoint while it is not in a ready state.

Resolution: try to delete the glue endpoint while it is not in a ready state.

Cause: invalid operation.

4.2.105 Notebook {}, must be deleted before deleting endpoint”

Issue: attempting to delete an endpoint while notebook is still associated with the endpoint.

Resolution: delete attached notebooks before deleting the endpoint.

Cause: Unable to delete endpoint as notebook %s is attached to it.

4.2.106 Invalid job type. Possible values are: glue, lambda, stepfunction, ingestion, etl or jdbc-cdc.

Issue: Job type provided is incorrect.

Resolution: provide job type as listed.

Cause: incorrect job type.

4.2.107 Invalid schedule type. Possible values are: event|time|none.

Issue: invalid schedule type.

Resolution: there can only be 3 types of schedule types: Event, time or None.

Cause: invalid input.

4.2.108 Failed to update schedules list in groups, try again later

Issue: possible system down or system refresh is in progress.

Resolution: try after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.109 User doesn’t have enough permissions to view a schedule

Issue: attempting view schedules without proper permissions.

Resolution: contact admin team for proper access.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.110 User doesn’t have enough permissions to delete a schedule

Issue: user is attempting to delete a schedule while having no access to delete.

Resolution: contact admin for required permission.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.111 User doesn’t have enough permissions to enable a schedule

Issue: user is attempting to delete a schedule while having no access to enable.

Resolution: contact admin for required permission.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.112 User doesn’t have enough permissions to disable a schedule

Issue: user is attempting to delete a schedule while having no access to disable.

Resolution: contact admin for required permission.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.113 User doesn’t have enough permissions to list scheduled executions

Issue: user is attempting to delete a schedule while having no access to list schedule execution.

Resolution: contact admin for required permission.

Cause: unauthorised operation. Access denied.

4.2.114 NIL

Issue: attempting to sort out supported types.

Resolution: sort with 'EndTime'.

Cause: unsupported sorting method.

4.2.115 Failed to update the DMS dynamoDB table, admin must cleanup this inconsistency.

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: try after some time. Please contact admin/support team if the error persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.116 Could not create the user. Please try again later.

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: please try again after some time. Contact admin/support team if the error persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.117 Could not retrieve users details list

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: try again after some time. Contact admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.118 user does not exist in the system

Issue: Provide Dashboard access failed as evoker user does not exist in the system.

Resolution: request for proper access from the admin.

Cause: unauthorised operation.

4.2.119 Not authorized to see dashboard authorized users

Issue: no proper access to view the authorised users of the dashboard.

Resolution: request access from the admin.

Cause: unauthorised operation.

4.2.120 Dashboard doesn’t exist

Issue: no dashboard exists with the given name or no dashboards are available for the user.

Resolution: you can only view the dashboard after creation. Other scenario being no access, contact admin for proper access.

Cause: either no dashboard exists for the user or user has no proper access to view the dashboard.

4.2.121 Could not retrieve authorized users

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: please try again after some time. Contact admin if the error persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.122 Not authorized to see dataset authorized users

Issue: the user does not have proper access to see dataset authorised users.

Resolution: contact admin team for access.

Cause: unauthorised operation. access denied.

4.2.123 Dataset doesn’t exist

Issue: dataset looking for does not exist.

Resolution: verify and provide correct dataset.

Cause: dataset does not exist.

4.2.124 User cannot modify users/user-privileges in default groups

Issue: user is trying to modify default access which is default and not possible to change.

Resolution: contact admin for additional information.

Cause: invalid operation.

4.2.125 Could not complete the request. Please try again

Issue: possible backend error.

Resolution: please try again after some time., contact admin/support team if the error persists.

Cause: backend/system error.

4.2.126 Failed to create role, Invalid role permissions

Issue: attempting to create a role without having proper access.

Resolution: contact admin for the proper access.

Cause: invalid access.

4.2.127 Invalid request body, missing keys

Issue: input body does not have required keys.

Resolution: verify the input given.

Cause: missing input keys.

4.2.128 User is not authorized to view the role detail

Issue: unauthorised operation.

Resolution: contact admin team for the proper access.

Cause: access denied due to improper access.

4.2.129 Invalid username format, A username can contain alphanumeric and special chars only (Underscore, Hyphen and Period)

Issue: provided username is not in prescribed format.

Resolution: Follow the instructions while creating username.

Cause: username provided is non-compliant with the standard.

4.2.130 Invalid password format, A password can contain alphanumeric and special characters only

Issue: password provide is not in standard format.

Resolution: please follow the instructions.

Cause: non-compliant with the standard.

4.2.131 In mailAgent.check_body_values, Port - %s does not comply to standards. Port can only contain digits and between 0-65535

Issue: port entered is out of range.

Resolution: please enter the port number in between the displayed.

Cause: out of range port numbers.

4.2.132 Invalid account email format, it can contain alphanumeric and special characters only

Issue: invalid account email format.

Resolution: provide correct mail id which is in complaint with the instruction.

Cause: provided mail id is not in complaint with the standard.

4.2.133 Failed to perform the health check on resources, try again later.

Issue: possible system error.

Resolution: try after some time. Contact support/admin team if the issue persists.

Cause: possible system error.

4.2.134 Unable to connect to ElasticSearch with the given endpoint

Issue: incorrect endpoint.

Resolution: provide correct endpoint. Contact admin/support team if then issue persists.

Cause: incorrect endpoint.