Version: v2.6
Query Engine
JDBC Connection
- When users connect to query engine (Athena) using JDBC Connection, users will not able to access views.
Lakeformation Datasets
When you try to query a Lakeformation-Governed dataset after deleting a file in it, the following error can happen:
GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Encountered an exception executed in context[...] with message[Encountered an exception executed in
context[retrieving blocks] with message[Encountered an exception executed in context[executing] with message[File not found: Request failed because the following file is missing:
https://<bucketname>.s3.<region><domain name>/<dataset name>/<partition column>%<partition value>/<username>_<dataset id>_<partition value>_<filename>.
(Service: AWSLakeFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInputException; Request ID: <request_id>; Proxy: null)]]]