Issue Description: Unable to create a view using another view as its source.
Affected Versions: 2.6, 2.6.1
Explanation: When attempting to create a view with an existing view as its source, the operation results in a 'GE-1008 - Could not complete the request. Please try again.' error.
Workaround: Initially create the view with an SQL statement that references an invalid or non-existent table or view. This will result in the view being created but placed in a failed or invalid state due to the missing source. Once the view metadata is in place, you can subsequently update it by modifying the SQL statement to reference the correct source view . This approach allows the view to be successfully updated and function as expected. In the case of materialized views, the process is similar, but you will have to use the API to update the view as update of materialized view is not supported from the UI.
Issue Description: Users losing access to views after making a views listing call.
Affected Versions: 2.6, 2.6.1
Explanation: This issue arises during a metadata consistency check during the view listing call, where user-accessible views are retrieved from the groups-views table and validated against the views table. If a view is present in the groups-views table but not found in the views table, it is flagged and removed. Due to DynamoDB limitations, such as the 16 MB data return limit for a single BatchGetItem request and the 1 MB per-partition read limit, retrieval may be truncated, resulting in an incomplete item set. This can lead to views being incorrectly identified as missing and subsequently removed from the groups-views table, causing users to lose access to them. This situation is more likely if users have a large number of views with very long SQL statements (around 400 KB each).
Workaround: Contact Amorphic support to get a fix for this issue.
Issue Description: View listing call fails when trying to retrieve a large number of views on one page.
Affected Versions: 2.6, 2.6.1
Explanation: The view listing call fails when attempting to retrieve more items than the default limit in a single call. For example, with a default page limit of 12 items, users attempting to fetch 24, 50, or 100 items per page, especially with views that contain large SQL statements, may experience a failure. This occurs because the system cannot handle payloads that exceed 6 MB.
Workaround: Reset the application and log in again. Then, try listing fewer items per page to avoid exceeding the payload size limit.
Issue Description: Unable to update views when the view has a large SQL statement (greater than 256 KB).
Affected Versions: 2.6, 2.6.1, 2.7
Explanation: Updating a view with a large SQL statement fails with the error message GE-1008 - Could not complete the request. Please try again. This happens because the backend processes the update via an asynchronous Lambda invocation, which supports a maximum payload size of 256 KB. If the SQL statement exceeds this limit, the update fails.
Workaround: Create a new view with updated sql statement