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Global Errors

Global Errors

4.0.1 Session Error

Issue: When the user is using ADC and the following error is received.

Resolution: Logging in again would fix the issue.

Cause: When the session for a logged in user has ended.

4.0.2 Access Denied

Issue: When the user is trying to access a page in ADC and an error is received.

Resolution: Please request the system administrator for access to the particular page or if the user has multiple roles try switching roles to check if his other roles have access

Cause: When the user role doesn’t have permission to access the page.

4.0.3 Error loading content

Issue: When the user is trying to access a page in ADC and an error is received.

Resolution: Please check your network connections and try again after some time.

Cause: When either there is a backend outage or if there is a network issue at the User’s end and the API calls fail.

4.0.4 Endpoint request timeout

Issue: When the user is trying to access any page in Amorphic and an error is received and admins received an email stating "Squid Proxy is not working as expected"

Resolution: AWS Admin can connect with Amorphic support team and follow below steps to fix the issue:

  • Login to AWS Console -> Amorphic deployed region.
  • EC2 -> AutoScalingGroup -> Look for AutoScalingGroup starts with <ProjectShortName>-<Environment>-infra-stack-rProxiesResourceStack-*
  • Select the ASG -> InstanceManagement.
  • Select the EC2 instance -> Actions -> Detach

Note: Above steps will detach the current faulty Squid Proxy EC2 server from the Autoscaling group, and immediately ASG will create a new server to meet the desired capacity. Resolution time <3 mins.

Cause: Squid Proxy server having issues and failed to serve Amorphic requests.

4.0.5 Internal Server Error

Issue: When the user is trying to access any page in Amorphic and an error is received stating "Internal Server Error"

Resolution: Retrying after 30 seconds would most likely fix the issue:

Note: If the issue still persists even after a minute, please reach out to cloudwick support

Cause: There could be several reasons to get this error. One of the AWS limitation is when Amorphic APIs or lambda functions are not invoked for an extended period (approximately 14 days), AWS moves the Lambda functions to an inactive state, leading to failures in API requests. Upon the first invocation after this period of inactivity, the Lambda functions transitions back to an active state. This reactivation process typically takes up to 30 seconds, after which the Amorphic features resume normal operation.